31 Shocking Movie Death Scenes At The Movie Theater


“In Hereditary, when Peter inadvertently beheads his little sister, Charlie. I audibly gasped and held my hand over my mouth for five minutes.”


“The child decapitation scene in Hereditary and then the subsequent shot of the severed head the next day on the side of the road covered in flies and maggots. It comes pretty early in the movie, too. I love horror movies and was stoked to see Hereditary, but that was too much even for me. I just felt so trapped and uncomfortable for the rest of the film (I’ve yet to ever walk out of a movie). I can’t deny that Hereditary is a well-made and interesting film, but I never want to see it again.”


“I was eating popcorn while watching Hereditary, alone in the theater, on a weekday off. Telephone pole beheading scene — froze — silently put the popcorn away and watched the rest of the film in nearly unmoving silence.”



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