How the Authors of the Bible Spun Triumph from Defeat

[ad_1] The Moshiach came to Madison Avenue this summer. All over a not particularly Jewish neighborhood, posters of the bearded, Rembrandtesque Rebbe Schneerson appeared, mucilaged to every light post and bearing the caption “Long Live the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Messiah forever!” This was, or ought to have been, trebly astonishing. First, the rebbe being urged… Continue reading How the Authors of the Bible Spun Triumph from Defeat

Walton Goggins Talks ‘Bible Bonkers’

[ad_1] “It was euphoric. I can’t believe it’s not my real job.” Photo: HBO Spoilers follow for The Righteous Gemstones season-three finale, “Wonders That Cannot Be Fathomed, Miracles That Cannot Be Counted.”  Walton Goggins is game for anything The Righteous Gemstones asks of him. As Uncle Baby Billy, the former child star who continues to… Continue reading Walton Goggins Talks ‘Bible Bonkers’