Why Did They Bomb Clinton High School?

[ad_1] Kasper seems to have encountered Pound’s writings around 1950, when he was a student at Columbia. Martin gives the impression, as have others, that Kasper was a graduate of Columbia College. This is a little misleading; his degree came from Columbia’s School of General Studies, an adult-education program. At the time, Pound was in… Continue reading Why Did They Bomb Clinton High School?

Disturbing Facts About Oppenheimer & The Atomic Bomb

[ad_1] The story goes that Oppenheimer poisoned an apple on Blackett’s desk, then left. Blackett never ate the apple, but Oppenheimer’s friends reported the incident, and Cambridge University did find out. The school’s administrators wanted to press charges for attempted murder, but Oppenheimer’s wealthy father stepped in and managed to talk them out of it.… Continue reading Disturbing Facts About Oppenheimer & The Atomic Bomb