Commentary: Complaining that Tropical Storm Hilary was overhyped? Welcome to the club, L.A.

[ad_1] We’ve found it: The one trend where the Californians are the late adopters. Now that Tropical Storm Hilary has washed over Southern California and the major population centers aren’t underwater, the time-honored East and Gulf Coast traditions of second-guessing meteorologists, local officials and the media made a second landfall as clouds cleared Monday. “As… Continue reading Commentary: Complaining that Tropical Storm Hilary was overhyped? Welcome to the club, L.A.

Why Republicans Are Complaining About the Hunter Biden Special Counsel That They Asked For

[ad_1] If you want to grasp just how cynical and performative Republican Party politics are these days, consider the reactions to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to elevate the U.S. Attorney David Weiss, whose office has been investigating Hunter Biden for years, to the status of special counsel. In April of last year, more than… Continue reading Why Republicans Are Complaining About the Hunter Biden Special Counsel That They Asked For