Can “Cop City” Be Stopped at the Ballot Box?

[ad_1] Two months ago, I walked to City Hall, in Atlanta, to watch hundreds of angry people talk to their elected officials. Atlanta’s city council was set to vote on funding for one of the largest police-and-firefighter-training facilities in the country, which has come to be known, pejoratively, as Cop City—a reference, originally, to a… Continue reading Can “Cop City” Be Stopped at the Ballot Box?

Hollywood strikes: WGA, SAG play good cop, bad cop with AMPTP

[ad_1] You want to know how tense it is in Hollywood right now? SAG-AFTRA is turning out to be even more argumentative and aggressive than the WGA. Less than three weeks after guild president Fran Drescher rattled C-suite windows with her fiery announcement of an actors’ strike, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and… Continue reading Hollywood strikes: WGA, SAG play good cop, bad cop with AMPTP