Los Angeles Latino art institution Self Help Graphics names new director

[ad_1] Since the 1970s, Self Help Graphics & Art has combined community, collaboration and activism, all centering on Chicanx and Latinx art. What started in the East L.A. garage of Sister Karen Boccalero has turned into a cornerstone art movement in Los Angeles — a place that has nurtured some of the city’s most successful… Continue reading Los Angeles Latino art institution Self Help Graphics names new director

‘Blue Beetle’ review: Injects DC universe with Latino focus

[ad_1] For Jaime Reyes — the Blue Beetle — being a superhero is a family affair. While most superheroes shield their identities from loved ones, in “Blue Beetle,” the first DC Comics movie to feature a Latino superhero, it’s a group project. When recent college grad Jaime (Xolo Maridueña) unknowingly brings home an alien scarab… Continue reading ‘Blue Beetle’ review: Injects DC universe with Latino focus