‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 5 and 6

[ad_1] Painkiller Hot Hot Hot / What’s in a Name? Season 1 Episodes 5 and 6 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix/KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX Legacy is all that matters to Arthur Sackler. It’s so important to him and so embedded in Richard’s psyche that we get a whole flashback scene to one Christmas in the… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 5 and 6

‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 3 and 4

[ad_1] Painkiller Blizzard of the Century / Is Believed Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4 Editor’s Rating 3 stars *** Photo: Netflix/KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX You know how single-ply yarn can be made stronger by spinning multiple strands of fiber together into a three- or four-ply yarn? That’s what the middle two episodes of Painkiller are doing with their… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 3 and 4

‘Painkiller’ Wants This to Hurt

[ad_1] Painkiller chooses to document what the Sacklers and their allies knowingly did rather than why they did it, because not every villain needs an origin story. Photo: KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX/KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX In the contemptuous, engrossing, and consistently upsetting Painkiller, America’s health-care system has blood on its hands, and everyone involved is complicit. Avarice and ego… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ Wants This to Hurt

‘Painkiller’ turned legal disclaimers into moving tributes to opioid victims

[ad_1] The legal disclaimers that often appear in TV shows inspired by real events tend to use the same dull, boilerplate language to notify viewers about the license the series has taken with historical fact. These carefully vetted caveats exist to prevent costly lawsuits and public backlash. They are rarely memorable — much less capable… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ turned legal disclaimers into moving tributes to opioid victims