Fall Culture Preview: What to See This Season

[ad_1] All-Male Hula, a Tennis Ballet Outdoor dance is nice, but there’s nothing like being in a theatre, with its dramatic lighting and proscenium. At New York City Center’s popular and populist Fall for Dance Festival (Sept. 27-Oct. 8), twenty dollars buys an evening that might include the all-male hula troupe Kaleoolakaikahikinaokalā evoking Hawaii’s traditions… Continue reading Fall Culture Preview: What to See This Season

2024 Preview: Bidenomics Versus the Trump Freak Show

[ad_1] Joe Biden has been embracing August: a relaxed beach day in his beloved Delaware, riding bikes and taking a moonlit stroll on the sand with the First Lady; and a trip out West to the Grand Canyon for an in-person signing of an order creating a new national monument, summer casual in a baseball… Continue reading 2024 Preview: Bidenomics Versus the Trump Freak Show