‘Bottoms’ review: Fiercely funny teen comedy of female rage

[ad_1] Meet “Bottoms”: She’s the wild, brutish and unrepentantly horny doomer-Zoomer child of the classic Gen-X teen movie “Heathers,” the nasty niece of the Y2K-era black comedies “Jawbreaker” and “Drop Dead Gorgeous.” She’s the naughty little sis of “Mean Girls,” and the bratty cousin of “Superbad,” the BFF of “But I’m a Cheerleader.” It’s been… Continue reading ‘Bottoms’ review: Fiercely funny teen comedy of female rage

Ukrainian sculpts art from war debris and rage against Russia

[ad_1] ODESA, Ukraine —  Ukraine’s best-known sculptor, Mikhail Reva, was once famous for his whimsical works — playful, outsized creations found in parks and plazas across the country, and scattered throughout his southern hometown of Odesa. Russia’s war on Ukraine changed all that. His genial features obscured behind a welder’s mask, the 63-year-old sculptor gestures toward… Continue reading Ukrainian sculpts art from war debris and rage against Russia