How Ohio Voters Defeated an Effort to Thwart Abortion Rights

[ad_1] Republicans in the Ohio legislature are accustomed to acting with impunity. Thanks to a carefully crafted, veto-proof majority in both chambers that might make Elbridge Gerry blush, they worry little about the popular will in a state that is more evenly divided than the legislature’s agenda would suggest. “We can kind of do what… Continue reading How Ohio Voters Defeated an Effort to Thwart Abortion Rights

Half of All G.O.P. Voters Wish Party Would Nominate Some Other Criminal Besides Trump

[ad_1] WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Although Donald J. Trump holds a commanding lead over the rest of the Republican Presidential field, approximately half of all G.O.P. voters wish that their party would choose a different criminal, a new poll indicates. “No disrespect to Donald Trump, who has been an amazing perpetrator,” Carol Foyler, a poll respondent… Continue reading Half of All G.O.P. Voters Wish Party Would Nominate Some Other Criminal Besides Trump